How To Update Your Resume

Aug 25, 2023

I’m spilling the beans. 

Hiring managers (like me!) look at hundreds of resumes. And while there is no “one size fits all” approach, there ARE certain things to put on your resume – and certain things to keep off. 

Read on to learn:

  • The three best ways to update your resume
  • How these resume changes can help you stand out
  • Tips for making these adjustments as strong as possible.

Three Things Hiring Managers (like me!) Want to See 

*Resume Update 1: Have a summary section that says something unique.* 

Did you know that *everyone* is saying what you’re saying? 

That’s right. 

Everyone is “enthusiastic,” “energetic,” “driven,” “passionate,” “motivated,”. . . you get the idea. 

Hiring managers die a little inside when they read the standard “professional summary.” A standard summary is like a bad version of Groundhog Day. Don’t do that. Please. 

We hiring managers want to know about YOUR results. The impacts YOU’VE made in your career. The things that make YOU unique (but are still professionally relevant, of course.)

Your summary is a sales pitch of you. If you sound like everyone else, it makes it really difficult to show why you'd be better than the next candidate. 

Tip, Update 1: Say it in as few words as possible. There's no bonus points for flowery, adjective–filled language. Three-ish sentences. Use some bullets if it helps break things up.


*Resume Update 2: Ditch the skills section* 

Truth: Most people use the space completely effectively. 

  • Some people list out soft skills like “time management,” or “collaboration.” This isn't the place for those things. 
  • Others list things like “CRM software,” or “learning management systems.” To this I say: which ones? You didn't give enough detail. These vague phrases are like clues in a résumé mystery that most hiring managers won't take time to solve.
  • Some candidates list out specifics: “Salesforce,” “Adobe,” “Captivate” … but then they never tell the reader how or when they use the skills to get business results. 
  • Bottom line: You can hit all your keywords in your bullet points by including examples of how you applied those skills in actual results-based scenarios 

Tip, Update 2: Want your key words to stand out? Try bolding them (remember, though, don't bold everything.)


*Resume Update 3: Share more than a list of your tasks and responsibilities.*

Many jobseekers’ experience sections look more like a job posting for their former roles than a list of accomplishments: “delivered presentations to stakeholders.” “Conducted assessments to measure understanding.” 

Tip, Update 3: 

Ask yourself two questions to audit your bullets. 

  1. Does your bullet have relevance to the job you're trying to get? 
  2. Does it show the reader that you were good at your job?

If the answer to either question is no, then why on your résumé?

Rewrite or remove, friend! Rewrite or remove. 

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